Should Your Beach Wedding Be In The Morning, Afternoon, Or Evening?

29 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog


A beach wedding is one of the most romantic ways many people can envision tying the knot. But what time of day should you hold your beach wedding? Some hours are more common than others — and for good reason — but nontraditional choices are perfect for nontraditional situations. To help you find the perfect time for your vows, here are some reasons to opt for a morning, afternoon, or evening beach wedding

1. Morning Weddings

The earliest beach wedding is, of course, a sunrise wedding. While this time of day isn't for everyone, it's a must-do if your beach options face east and you want a stunning sun-kissed background. Sunrise, just like sunset, is known as the golden hour because it provides some of the best lighting of any time in the day — an important factor for photos. 

Brunch weddings are more common. Getting married in the late morning, followed by a brunch or lunch meal, places your nuptials at a generally comfortable time of day on the sand. Brunch wedding receptions are also usually shorter than evening receptions, so it's a good choice for couples who don't want to party all night. 

2. Afternoon Weddings

The midday hours are not as popular for weddings, as they can get quite hot. If you're using a public beach or venue, you may also have to deal with more onlookers and foot traffic. However, when the sun is at its highest, guests won't have to deal with the glare in their eyes as they do with a later ceremony. It may also be the most comfortable part of the day when the weather turns colder. 

3. Evening Weddings

It's easy to see why evening nuptials are popular on the oceanfront. The romance of the setting sun behind your ceremony is unmistakable. You may also have fewer crowds around, as many beachgoers will be heading home. And, as with late afternoon and evening indoor weddings, this schedule allows the most time to prepare that day and can extend the party into the night. 

Keep in mind that the beach can get quite chilly in the evenings during fall and spring. And because they're so popular, evening reservations may be harder to come by during the warm summer months. You may need to consider a nontraditional day of the week. 

Where to Start

Which time is right for you and your partner? The answer depends on your personalities, beach access, goals, and wedding size. Start by learning more at a beach wedding venue in your area today. Drawing on their expertise, you can find the perfect hour to exchange vows and start your new family.